Space Trailblazer

Become an integral part of the platform that’s playing a pivotal role in shaping the space industry.

Revolutionising the space Industry


Starting right here in Aotearoa and expanding globally, our aim is to showcase New Zealand’s space capabilities with the world, transforming the space industry by focusing on connecting & streamlining its collaboration, and sustaining & empowering its innovation:


Bring together the global space community through creating a network for space-related products & services, fostering collaboration & partnerships.


Promote sustainable practices and diversity, ensuring the industry’s future – and our planet’s.


Simplify the processes of engagement, making space-related products & services available to all, making procurement easier and with less overhead.


Provide a space for innovation, enabling businesses to thrive, while driving growth.

Backed by Callaghan Innovation


Our friends at Callaghan Innovation set out a grant for supporting ground-breaking projects that have the potential revolutionise the industry, while driving economic growth, and specifically for projects that are in new, unchartered territory, while benefitting the space industry.

We fit the criteria perfectly, and after evaluating our plan, model, and trajectory, Callaghan Innovation agreed – and backed that by backing us. We are thrilled for their support, and our continued collaboration.

What we’re doing right now


In preparation for the 2024 launch of our cloud platform, we’re conducting a campaign to collect key data to facilitate our role as a bridge between space-related product & suppliers, and customers.

The campaign features 3 in-person events to connect key players in the NZ space industry (January 2024 – Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch), and a significant dedicated research & outreach effort through the industry.

We are seeking support and collaboration from individuals and organisations that share our vision, and see its value. By participating in the campaign, you have the opportunity to have your input & business needs help shape the direction of our platform in producing data-driven results that align to your objectives.

Join the campaign


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